This week I went to London on business. It was a good trip, I'll tell you more about it in a little bit. However, the big thing that this trip meant is that I was spared the agony of watching the Red Sox get eliminated in a sweep in the first round of the play-offs. What a ridiculous end to the season. I haven't read all the updates yet but from what I have read, it seems it's time to get some PITCHERS in the off-season. Ah well.... I wish we weren't used to this in Boston, but we are. This will be the last Red Sox post for a while. My mom says that she is utterly depressed because the Patriots aren't doing "as well as they should" either. Luckily, I am not a football fan so I don't have to hold on and watch this tragedy waiting to happen as well. Have sympathy for my Mom - she is the biggest fan of every sports team in Boston you will ever meet. Standing up screaming, can't make plans to go out, sport-loving Bostonian. What a thing to sign up for.
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